Why You Should Use Google Analytics

If you own a car, you know that it requires a tremendous amount of upkeep. Forgetting to change the oil or rotate the tires could cause serious engine failure. But much like a car, don’t you think your website should be regularly serviced? In fact, when was the last time you checked under your website’s hood?  

Here at Appleton Creative we are professionally trained to diagnose your concerns. A common tool we use to track our client’s websites is Google Analytics. This service is used to interpret detailed statistics about visitors to a website. Currently 85% of websites are using Google Analytics to measure their online goals.

Why Should you Track Analytics?

Whether you are a small business or a huge corporation, having an online presence helps consumers build confidence in your brand. But what’s the point of having a website if your audience can’t find you? Below, we list Google Analytics’ top features.

  • Gather information about your customers (geographical location, language, and how long and often they visit)
  • Show where your traffic is coming from
  • Track which keywords are bringing people to your site
  • See what content people are most interested in
  • Analyze how customers interact with your site on their mobile device

By setting online goals for your marketing campaigns and websites, you’ll be able to measure which campaigns are working (and which aren’t), your best performing customer segments and many other insights to maximize your online presence. Interested in learning more about Google Analytics? We can help! Appleton Creative offers full site programming, design, SEO, and maintenance packages to make sure your websites in tip-top shape. For more information call 407-246-0092 or e-mail info@appletoncreative.com.

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