What “colors” are you?

Teambuilding time! The Appleton team had a great time learning more about the individual strengths of each team member by participating in the ntrinsx test, which helps determine how to best leverage intrinsic strengths.  Each Appletonian read the information on each of four cards, which had corresponding colors. We then had to choose a specific order of the colored cards, beginning with the color that resonated the most with our personality and ending with the color we felt least represented ourselves.

Once everyone revealed their color combinations, we learned the meaning behind each specific grouping of colors.

To find out what your color combination is, visit:


The results:

Kim Foran: Gold/Blue/Green/Orange

Jennifer Graven: Blue/Green/Gold/Orange

Katie Houser: Blue/Orange/Gold/Green

Betsy Kash: Gold/Green/Orange/Blue

Jamie Kruger: Green/Orange/Gold/Blue

Diana LaRue: Green/Blue/Gold/Orange

Kassi McPhee: Green/Blue/Gold/Orange

Dolly Sanborn: Blue/Gold/Green/Orange

Mike Speltz: Green/Gold/Blue/Orange

Amy Wise: Blue/Green/Orange/Gold

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