The Player’s Ball: Bridges of Light’s EMMIE Worthy Event
Let’s take a trip to the 12th Annual Player’s Ball, the charity event for Central Florida’s at-risk youth. The Bridges of Light Foundation holds this gala annually to raise money to fund education for children who have been abandoned, abused, neglected or who are considered at-risk. This dazzling event was held at the Waldorf Astoria Orlando and was celebrated with food, entertainment and a silent auction; Chris Kirkpatrick from NSYNC even performed. Later in the night, the dance party, cigar lounge and gaming tables were in full swing.
Bridges of Light unveiled EMMIE, the education owl at its beautiful fundraiser. EMMIE represents the core values the company was founded upon which stands for Educate, Mentor, Motivate, Inspire and Empower. Bridges of Light has many incredible programs, such as its work with Carver Middle School, which has helped provide at-risk students with tutoring, mentorship and support. It also works with Greak Oaks Village, a local foster care facility which has made a huge impact just within its first year; children particpating in the program had a combined G.P.A. increase of 10%.
Appleton was delighted to be in attendance at this charity ball. Fellow Appletonian, Skylar White, won a student achievement award and performed at the gala with an original piano solo and a duet with Chris Kirkpatrick.
Last month, Appleton Creative was granted the amazing opportunity to help teach Bridges of Light Foundation foster children how to invent a product and market it. Appleton also works with many other nonprofit organizations, such as the Zebra Coalition, Giving Tree and the Orlando Health Foundation in an effort to give back to the community.
Create a difference in your community. Appleton Creative is an award-winning, full-service advertising agency located in Orlando, Florida. Appleton works with local, national and international clients to provide marketing strategies through print, web, social media and video production – all in-house. At Appleton, we want to learn about your business, empower your marketing team and be your creative resource. Your marketing goals are worth a conversation: contact us at 407-246-0092 or