The Future is Bright: 5 Social Media Trends to Watch for 2022

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1. TikTok will continue to grow

Since 2020, TikTok has been rapidly growing. The company has more than 1.6 billion users worldwide and it is not slowing down. Although TikTok doesn’t have as many users as other big name social media platforms, it has seen a 45% increase in users from 2020 to 2021. For comparison, Instagram’s monthly users grew by 6% in 2020. TikTok offers business profiles, ads and a creator marketplace for businesses to reach and connect with their audience.

2. Short videos are the key

With TikTok becoming a popular app, short videos have become more valued. Instagram has implemented Reels, IGTV and Instagram Stories which all generate more engagement than pictures. Videos have a better chance of exposure and engagement, giving you a better chance to reach more people.

Although short videos do well, make sure you brainstorm ideas; users want to be entertained and engaged. In a HubSpot survey, 86% of businesses used videos as a marketing tool in 2020 with 99% of them being satisfied with results.

To learn more, explore how videos can be used for advertising on social media.

3. Social commerce is the new way to shop

Social commerce is a way to buy and sell products and services directly on a social media platform. Brands are able to tag their products in posts where consumers can purchase within the app or lead them to the company website. It is predicted that social commerce will continue to grow in the next couple of years with 38.2% of internet users buying products through social media in 2022.

Read more on smart actions you can take to participate in social commerce.

4. Social audio will become more popular

With 74.2% of businesses planning on investing in audio-only content in 2022, this is something to consider. Social audio can include podcasts and audio livestreams along with anything else that is audio focused. This is a great opportunity for your business to connect with its audience and show authenticity. Launched in 2020, Clubhouse is a platform specifically for social audio which has become increasingly popular. Facebook and Twitter have hopped on this trend to make a place for social audio. Consider your audience to determine which platform will work best for you.

5. Ads will become big on small platforms

Recent research has shown that consumers appear to enjoy ads on small channels like TikTok, Snapchat, and Pinterest over ads on bigger channels. Nielsen found that Snapchat ads reached more users than TV ads, bringing in more awareness and purchase intent. This could be due to the fact that the smaller platforms encourage companies to make ads flow with the organic content that is already on the app, giving users a more enjoyable experience.

Looking to stay ahead of social media trends so your brand can be at the top of its game? Appleton is an award-winning, full-service digital marketing and advertising agency located in Orlando, Florida. Appleton works with local, national and international clients to deliver custom content, persuasive online ads and expertly crafted campaigns. By implementing valuable and shareable digital content strategies, Appleton can create the perfect social and digital marketing experience for your brand and audience. Your internet advertising goals are worth a conversation: contact us at 407-246-0092 or

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