Jennifer Graven

Art Director + Photographer

Jennifer has been creating stellar work and a lively work environment since 2009. Her passion for art and photography combined with a dual degree in graphic design and advertising/public relations gives her a well-rounded perspective on her work. Add that to her love of fun and contagious team spirit, and what do you get? A designer that gives clients innovative creativity and Appletonians a reason to love coming to work. Jennifer leverages her appreciation of art and the advertising world, capturing the essence of who Appleton is.


"Do more of what makes you happy."

– Unknown

Ruth Graves Wakefield, the inventor of the chocolate chip cookie, sold the idea to Nestle Toll House in exchange for a lifetime supply of chocolate.


  1. Empathy
  2. Includer
  3. Communication
  4. Woo
  5. Individualization