Gaylen Berlinger

Senior Producer + Project Manager

Gaylen is passionate about bringing projects and ideas to life by utilizing her strengths of Maximizer, Arranger and Developer. She had a wide breadth of marketing experience working in the Big Apple for iconic brands such as Jordache, VH1, MTV before moving to Orlando. She is now taking a bite out our “Apple-ton” by elevating our clients and growing them to new heights. Gaylen is a highly skilled producer and superior in navigating brands through our wide range advertising services. And if that is not enough, her smile and positivity is contagious.


“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an Ocean.”
~ Ryunosuke Satoro

Chewing gum boosts concentration.

Picasso Purple

  1. Maximizer
  2. Positivity
  3. Arranger
  4. Adaptability
  5. Developer