TAP into the New App for Central Florida’s Youth

Take Action Positively (TAP) is an app we recently branded, designed and developed to help youth in Central Florida get access to resources they may need. Created from a partnership between Central Florida Commission on Homelessness, Zebra Coalition, Appleton Creative, Heart of Florida United Way and the Homeless Services Network, and funded by a generous grant awarded by Disney, this interactive app gives youth access to resources in categories like counseling, food, drop-in centers and more.
The idea for the app was born from a survey done one night in 2017, during which, there were at least 268 homeless youth, ages 13-24, in Central Florida. Many of these youth shared that they don’t have access to needed services, a growing problem in our community. That’s why we created this “no wrong door” platform that helps Central Florida’s youth connect with organizations. While there are many resources currently available, we expect that number to grow.
Through the mobile app and website, youth are able to search for terms with its robust search functionality, thus aggregating resources located close to them. The app features clean, user-friendly design and functionality with the ability to effortlessly see the resources available nearby and contact them directly. The app also includes a favorites feature where youth can save and return to resources and information that stuck out to them. Its geographic feature helps users navigate to the closest resource. The app is able to be used on and offline so no matter where the user is, they can find the resources they need.
Download the app, TAP — Take Action Positively, from your phone in the Apple or Google Play app store or visit, www.tapcentralflorida.com to explore resources.
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