Still think you don’t need a mobile site?

If you think mobile devices are just for checking Facebook and playing Angry Birds, think again! Here are the top 5 stats that build an argument for developing your presence on the mobile web:

  1. World-wide, over 85 percent of new handsets are able to access the mobile Web. In US and Western Europe, it has already surpassed that.
  2. In the United States, 25% of mobile Web users are mobile-only. This means they do not use their desktop/laptop at all to surf the web!
  3. Marketers are predicted to spend $20.6 billion on mobile ads by 2015. In the US, over half of mobile ad spending focuses on promoting local goods and services.
  4. Consumers are expected to engage in transactions totaling $240 billion via their mobile devices in 2011. This figure could be over $1 trillion by 2015.
  5. The number of people accessing the mobile Internet is growing fast and is expected to overtake the PC as the most popular way to get on the Web within five years.

Stats courtesy of

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