Sexy (Yes, We Said Sexy) Collateral: Make a Sensual Impression with Paper & Print Techniques
In our digital world, holding a tangible sheet of paper in your hands is a refreshing change. It’s similar to holding a paperback book rather than an e-reader. Inputting simple changes, like rounded edges or a unique way to open the piece, makes an impactful creative difference. The sensory connections to paper convey a sense of importance from the message and source. Working with an advertising agency that focuses on your story makes personal connections with your current and potential customers in any industry—from healthcare to sports, and more.
Paper Can Have a Soft Touch
The print medium is evolving and, although our paper choices have changed over the years, our classic standard sheets, along with new and exciting lines are available. Numerous color and weight options ensure that your collateral is well received by your audience. Publications, such as the Hyatt Grand Times Magazine, are printed on bright white with a beautiful aqueous coating. One can even add a finish, such Soft Touch, to give the cover a smooth, suede feel.
Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress Grand Times Magazine
For our nonprofit client, Zebra Coalition, Appleton printed an invitation featuring iridescent cover stock that shimmered rainbows when moved through the light.
Zebra Coalition Wild Nights Invitation
2D in 3D Form
If you really want your direct mail to be effective and jump off the table, send the piece in 3D form. When we designed this piece to promote the new CNL Corporate Capital Trust campaign, we featured Guitar World, one of their investment product companies. We designed a beautiful accordion piece that sat inside a box with a shelf holding a custom guitar pick-shaped stylus. This piece was custom designed to slide out like a large matchbox. It utilized three weights of stock, custom folds and die-cuts. The ROI on this promotional piece was music to our clients’ ears.
CNL Corporate Capital Trust Packaging
Put a Window in It!
For Rhett Alexander, an interior design firm, Appleton created a series of brochures that each represented a design style the client wanted to feature. Each incorporated photographs with amazing textures and color combinations. We wanted to design this in a way that would showcase the work, so we printed this piece on premium bright white heavy coated stock and applied a flood lamination to all. Each had three overlapping panels with two windows, which zoomed in on the next featured photo. Opening each brochure was like a glorious reveal of a new home.
Rhett Alexander Design Brochures
Print marketing collateral adds an element of originality and permanence to your business. Are you ready to make a new impression with your print collateral? Appleton Creative can guide you through the process and develop sensual concepts with sensational printing techniques. We are an award-winning, full-service Orlando marketing and advertising company that specializes in traditional advertising. Appleton works with local, national and international clients to deliver captivating and high-quality brochures, direct mail pieces, publications, annual reports, posters and trade show displays that reinforce your company’s brand messaging. Your traditional advertising goals are worth a conversation: contact us at 407-246-0092 or