Save the Planet (And Your Wallet) One Bulb at a Time

The U.S. hosts about 5% of the world’s population, but uses 23% of the available energy. Conservation isn’t just about saving money, it can also make a positive impact on our environment. Florida Municipal Power Agency (FMPA) is a wholesale power agency owned by municipal electric companies. Their main goal is meeting the energy demands of cities throughout Florida, but it also recognizes the need to save. The agency is structured similar to a car pool, allowing demands to be met with fewer resources. They invest in alternatives, primarily natural gas.
Appleton created, filmed and edited a series of commercials on how consumers can be more proactive about energy use at home. Viewers follow two families during their daily routine of unnecessary power usage. Dirty air filters, gaps in window and door seals, poor landscaping systems and ineffective insulation are just a few ways we exhaust our energy resources. The campaign goes further into some common methods, but also highlights ones consumers often miss. Appleton Creative designed the concept of the series, cast actors, set scenes and filmed the video on location. The results were fantastic, and you can see one of the videos for yourself on our YouTube channel.
FMPA was created in 1978 to put the supply of power back in the hands of local utilities. Shared resources allow 31 cities around the state to provide low, competitive prices to over 2 million Floridians. Working together allows them to coordinate power needs to build larger and more efficient plants where they can diversify power sources. The resulting energy pool enables FMPA to offer incredibly reliable and cost effective electricity. Cities of all sizes can now use coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear energy to meet demand. It also allows these cities to find strength in numbers. Members have access to all resources, staff, and over two dozen other services. This allows smaller utility companies to compete with larger corporations.
You don’t need a million dollar animation to capture viewers. Videos of any style are an excellent way to reach your audience. Appleton Creative is an award-winning, full-service video and film production studio located in Orlando, Florida. Appleton works with local, national and international clients to deliver compelling visual stories that speak to audiences in the most influential way — through their emotions. Your video and film production goals are worth a conversation: contact us at 407-246-0092 or