Cute, Creative or Creepy: Cast Your Vote in Orlando’s Most Competitive Costume Contest

Orlando Halloween costume contest

After 364 days of painstaking preparation, we have risen once again to strike terror (and laughter) into the hearts of all ye who dare check out the sixth-annual Appleton Creative costume contest. Vote for your favorite costume on Facebook, and check back to find out this year’s most clever, creative, cute or creepy costume winner.

In the meantime, we wish you a safely spooky Halloween!


1. Ashley Montgomery – Bad Mother Clucker

2. Dolly Sanborn – American Astronaut on the International Space Station

3. Diana LaRue – Sia Swinging from the Chandelier

4. Tori Colditz – Grey Goose

5. Doug Stewart – Zombie Kid Likes Turtles

6. Jennifer Graven – Vending Machine

7. Mike Speltz – Walking Dead Soldier

8. Eric Czerwonka – Walter Sobchak from The Big Lebowski

9. Kelly Byrne – Jurassic Park Tourist

10. Jacob Spikes – Ronald Ulysses Swanson

11. Jamie Kruger – Sexy “Sexy Halloween Costume” Costume

12. Kim Foran – Painter Bob Ross

13. Armand Ayala – Jake from State Farm

14. Stephanie Boyd – Top Gun

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