New Year, New Color: Pantone Names Marsala 2015 Color of the Year

In a detail-oriented industry, every change of hue counts. Not only is Pantone the leading provider of color-intensive products, services and technology, it also releases a new color each year expected to trump all others. Giving one color this coveted title is no small feat. Each year, the Pantone experts come together to prepare the color, evaluate it, dye it and package it. The selected color of the year will appear heavily in visuals across multiple industries.
With its rich undertone and sophisticated flair, Marsala could take the world by storm in 2015. The color primarily translates to fashion, beauty, industrial design, home furnishings and interiors. But consumers can also expect to see this wine-based color as an earthy accent in advertising. While Pantone has its specific reasons for Marsala’s selection, the design world is abuzz with contrasting opinions. The Appleton designers weighed in on 2015’s newest visual trend.
Jen, Graphic Designer & Photographer: “It reminds me of makeup and wine, so it’s good for the fashion industry and will be easy to market to females. However, after last year’s Radiant Orchid and this year’s Marsala, we can only hope for a more masculine color next year. Maybe Manly Mustard?”
Eric, Web/Graphic Designer: “The tone is understated, muted and earthy while still being a bold color. The slight red tone makes it sultry, yet classic. It says, ‘I’m hot,’ but in a smoldering way instead of standing out. It would make great lingerie, but it could also work well in a marketing campaign for a cigar company.”
Dolly, Senior Art Director & Graphic Designer: “At first thought, Marsala seemed rich and lush, but was weighted down if not solely for the fact that it reminds me of my itchy Catholic school uniform cardigan, a garment I vowed to burn after graduation. As long as it’s used in tandem with other complimentary colors, it could bring a warm and robust feel to any visual.”
Let us bring the rich sophistication of Marsala or another premier Pantone color to your next campaign. Appleton Creative is an award-winning, full-service advertising agency located in Orlando, Florida. Appleton works with local, national and international clients to provide marketing strategies through print, web, social media and video production – all in-house. At Appleton, we want to learn about your business, empower your marketing team and be your creative resource. Your marketing goals are worth a conversation: contact us at 407-246-0092 or