How Will Facebook’s New Regulations Affect You?

How to use Facebook for business in 2015, the rules of engagement book

For the past several years, users have unknowingly seen less and less content from brands they like and follow on Facebook. As of January 2015, Facebook began enforcing new rules designed to rid users News Feeds of promotional content. Facebook’s newly implemented regulations will limit your business’ organic reach, meaning that businesses that rely on the free, online presence that Facebook provides to funnel traffic to their personal and professional sites may find themselves losing their spot in users’ increasingly competitive News Feed.

What does this mean for the future of Facebook marketing? Using a business page as an organic promotional outlet will no longer guarantee as much reach. To continue reaching as many Facebook users, page admins will have to pay for, and maintain, formal Facebook ad campaigns. Business pages are still effective marketing tools, but these changes could make it more difficult to engage with your audience.

To overcome these obstacles, we’ve outlined a few types of posts you should avoid:

  • Posts that are created solely to push people to buy a product or install an app will be targeted and hidden by Facebook’s new algorithm.
  • The new Facebook algorithm can identify posts and photos that solicit users to enter sweepstakes, like their page or register for promotions.
  • Facebook knows that text-only posts typically have low engagement. Business pages will be penalized for these kind of posts and their reach will be significantly diminished.

The best way to increase your organic reach is to post compelling, high-quality content as often as possible. When a post accumulates likes and shares, it is deemed “high-quality content” and is shown to a larger audience. This latest round of regulations is meant to incentivize quality posts, not discourage users from using business pages. Before making a post make sure that the message is clear, it’s engaging an audience and it’s worth sharing. The better the content, the better your business page will do.

Let Appleton keep your business front and center. Appleton Creative is an award-winning, full-service advertising agency located in Orlando, Florida. Appleton works with local, national and international clients to provide marketing strategies through print, web, social media and video productionall in-house. At Appleton, we want to learn about your business, empower your marketing team and be your creative resource. Your marketing goals are worth a conversation: contact us at 407-246-0092 or

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