How to Avoid Scams and Spam – Top 10 Tips for Website Security in 2024

With the ever-increasing sophistication of cyber threats, ensuring your cybersecurity measures are up to date has never been more essential. The growing popularity of the Internet has attributed to the number of scams and spam people experience on a daily basis. From January 2021 to June 2023, $2.7 billion dollars was reported in fraud loss from social media, and $2 billion was lost from websites or apps. When cybersecurity initiatives are insufficient or not implemented, it can lead to identity theft or money loss. A plethora of website security initiatives have been created throughout the years to help alleviate this issue. However, with so much content out there, it’s hard to know what information is relevant. This blog will highlight the top 10 most important tips regarding website security, and how to reduce the amount of spam and scams you encounter.

So, What is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity refers to the act of protecting your network, computers, data and devices from unwelcome access or use. This often means taking action to safeguard the integrity and confidentiality of the information you have stored online. Without the right defense, any personal information you have saved on your device is at risk of being compromised. Here is a list of the most relevant terms that will help you understand both the patterns and risks within the context of cybersecurity. Some of the most essential to understand include:

Information security: the process of protecting electronic data from the unauthorized use of information.

Operational security: is the process of protecting data assets.

End-user education: includes increasing awareness among people to prevent software threats.

10 Tips for Website Security

Now that you know why cybersecurity is important and the effects it can have on your business and life, keep reading for the best tips to help you stay safe in the digital realm.

1) Keep your software up to date. Make sure your devices are all up to date so online attackers cannot take advantage of vulnerabilities.

2) Use antivirus software. Antivirus software like McAfee and Norton LifeLock can automatically detect and remove different types of malware (malicious software).

3) Avoid downloading or clicking on suspicious content and links.

4) Use strong and updated passwords. Using strong and unique passwords across devices and websites is one of the easiest ways to increase your security.

5) Implement multifactor authentication (MFA). Providing additional security protection helps decrease the chance of being compromised.

6) Secure your networks. Safeguard your internet connection by using a firewall or encrypting information.

7) Secure payment processing. Isolate your payment systems from sites that aren’t secure, and don’t use the same computer to process payments and browse the internet.

8) Back up your data frequently. Performing frequent backups protects against virus attacks, power failure and hardware corruption.

9) Turn Bluetooth off when not in use. Devices can be hacked via Bluetooth, so if you aren’t using it, turn it off.

10) Avoid using a public network. Information sent or received while using a private network is vulnerable. Stay away from private networks or use a VPN (virtual private network) while you’re connected to one.

With the growing abundance of scams and spam, it’s important to make sure you’re well equipped with knowledge regarding cybersecurity. Do you know what else is important? Staying up to date when creating a website or app for your brand. Appleton is an award-winning, full-service Orlando advertising agency that works with local, national and international clients to deliver impressive ad campaigns, branding, print, web, public relations, social media and video services — all in-house. At Appleton, we want to learn about your business, empower your marketing team and be your creative resource. Your advertising goals are worth a conversation: contact us at 407-537-6352 or

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