Google TV Ads: Your Call, Your Power, Your Results
Appleton Creative has a new favorite toy; called Google TV ads. We love it. We love to talk about it, play with it, and introduce clients to it. Google TV ads is just one way we can help you reach your target audience within your budget.
How Is This Possible?
The budget for creating a Google TV ad campaign is determined by the user. The application allows you to set a daily budget and a CPM bid. At that point, you are competing in an auction for TV spots. This format allows equal consideration for all and you only pay for the impressions you get to your spot. Technology and data from the remote control clicks of the 4+ million Dish network subscribers is analyzed and translated into valuable info to get you results.
As far out as 2 weeks, Google sends spiders through the programming line up to match what suits your needs. You are able to control appropriate programming, time of day and networks based on targeting tools much the same as you use Google as a search tool. This proves to be effective in targeting and using the Google Sample size to your advantage. Some commonly used networks used for this media are Oxygen, MSNBC, Spike, and Chiller.
How Effective Is This?
Much like Google’s other tracking tools, you can pull reports within your account to see how your campaign is faring. Some of the options are;
The history of what was aired
Demographic Info
Retained audience data
Total impressions
Why Google TV?
Real Time Analytics
Buy as little as 24 hours ahead of time
Appleton Creative can work with you today to shoot, edit, and create a Google TV Ads Campaign all in one place. Please see our video portfolio at
Tags: Google TV ads