Early Learning Coalitions of Florida

About the Client

The Early Learning Coalitions of Florida provide support, resources and services to families throughout the state. These organizations serve as local hubs, coordinating resources and programs to support children’s development during their crucial early years. They operate under the Florida Office of Early Learning and partner with childcare providers, schools and community organizations to facilitate access to early learning programs, offer resources for parents and promote professional development for educators. By prioritizing early childhood education, these coalitions contribute to the foundation of lifelong learning and success for Florida’s children.

Appleton has partnered with multiple Early Learning Coalitions of Florida, including those of Duval and Seminole counties, to inform target audiences about the importance of early education and raise awareness about their offerings.

Services Include

  • Branding
  • Digital Marketing
  • Logo Designs
  • Traditional Media
  • Brand Guides
  • Video PSAs
  • Marketing Collateral
  • Radio PSAs
  • Website Design + Development

The ELCs of Florida work to ensure all children have access to early learning experiences that prepare them for success not only in school but in life as well.

Reenergizing Brands to Illuminate Young Minds

Through various affordable and innovative early education and voluntary prekindergarten programs, the ELC of Duval serves more than 17,000 children aged birth to 5 years old and their families annually.

A Website that Never Stops Teaching

Building a Responsive, User-friendly Website

To best serve the members of its target audience, the ELC of Duval knew it was crucial to update its online presence to a website solution that was responsive, had intuitive navigation, and an updated aesthetic representative of its new look.

Through our partnership, Appleton worked with the ELC of Duval to identify specialty features and uses for its target audience members. Because our websites are built by our in-house team of full-stack developers, our custom web templates were able to offer features such as:

  • An interactive events calendar and registration

  • Robust micro animations throughout the site

  • Multiple customized job application processes

  • And much more

Ultimately, in addition to incorporating a responsive, user-friendly design, the new user experience and user interface were able to reduce bounce rate, increase average time on page, and increase the number of pages viewed per session by each user.

Reaching Target Audiences One Click at a Time to Elevate Young Minds

Integrated Digital Marketing Campaigns

To inform the appropriate target audiences about all the Early Learning Coalitions have to offer, a series of ads (static display, video and audio) were run across multiple mediums. The purpose of the campaigns was to make parents in Duval and Seminole Counties aware of their respective coalition’s resources related to VPK and School Readiness. These brand-aligned, attention-grabbing ads serve as an introduction to the many programs and opportunities available to parents and caregivers with young children.

The digital assets were distributed to various platforms in the appropriate markets, including:

  • Google
  • Spectrum
  • YouTube
  • iHeartRadio
  • Facebook
  • Spotify
  • Instagram
  • Hulu

PSA Spots that Speak Volumes

As part of our full-service solutions, Appleton has an in-house video department that provides resources ranging from on-location filming to post-production editing. Through our relationships with the Early Learning Coalitions of Duval and Seminole, we created a series of public service announcements (PSAs) to educate the target audience about the many resources offered by the organizations. The PSA campaign consists of three, 30-second audio spots and three, 30-second video spots.

Audio and video storytelling is one of the most influential ways to reach your audience. The reason these mediums are so effective is because of their ability to create an intimate connection with your consumer’s emotions.

Click the icons to listen to the Radio Spots.

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