Email Marketing for Small Businesses

Email has been around for years. Despite its old age, email still brings results. With an estimated 4.1 billion email accounts by 2015, email marketing is your ticket to top-of-mind awareness. With an ROI of 4,300%, here are ways to help email marketing work for your business.
- Cost. You are reaching your customers exactly where they are without spending a lot of money. You can effectively, for very little, establish or maintain client relationships.
- Design. Your e-blast should reflect your brand. Templates can be customized to include your logo, colors and feel to help your audience recognize your brand. Another way to avoid being trashed is to break your content into short paragraphs with subheadings and images.
- Content. Keep it short and to the point, but mostly interesting. Send your customers content they want, and only if you have something to say. Additionally, the subject line is your key to getting people to the body of your email. Refer to a previous blog post of ours to see exactly what works and how to write one. Lastly, after you have your campaign up and running, use analytics to identify any patterns in statistics. Take note and incorporate that into your e-blasts for the future.
- Plan. Send your newsletters regularly. If your audience knows to look for it, they’ll be less likely to hit delete in an effort to declutter their inbox. Also, anticipate them reading it on mobile. Make sure your template, graphics and text all display properly. It will improve the number of reads you receive and the response from your consumers.
Appleton Creative successfully uses email marketing for a variety of clients. To find out if it could work for you, give us a call. Appleton Creative is an award-winning, full-service advertising agency located in Orlando, Florida. Appleton works with local, national and international clients to provide marketing strategies through print, web, social media and video production – all in-house. At Appleton, we want to learn about your business, empower your marketing team and be your creative resource. Your marketing goals are worth a conversation: contact us at 407-246-0092 or