Consumer Trends of 2013

The ever-changing economy presents opportunity for those who adhere to consumer demands and desires. At Appleton we understand our consumers’ expectations, that’s why we keep up on the latest trends. Check out our most recent Lunch & Learn Prezi on 2013 Marketing Strategies and Trends.

Here are a few of the top trends to look out for in 2013 from

Emerging Markets: Our global markets are increasingly becoming lucrative. Nations such as China, Brazil, and India are building a powerful middle class of consumers. As these markets begin to rise, introduction of their cultural heritages will be intensified.  The emerging nations will export their flavors for US domestic consumers base that are eager to purchase.

Mother Earth: Ecologically sustainable activities for businesses are essential to meet the expectations of the market, but consumers want to take it further. Companies will demand social responsibility from their customers. This bold stance will gain the respect and acknowledgment from all.

Health To-Go: Appscriptions are digital applications and services that help to improve health of the users. There was a significant spike in DIY Health apps, but consumers are looking for the whole package – accuracy, safety, convenience, and quality.

Made in the USA: Consumers are embracing the idea of USA made products. Considering the rising labor costs in China, it is a good idea to begin manufacturing on our soil. Three drivers of this trend are eco-concerns, high expectations of consumers, and discovery of new manufacturing technology.

Full frontal: Transparency will also kick up a notch in 2013. Proactively illustrating the brand’s credentials will convince consumers to trust its products.

If you need assistance with updating your brand for the changing market, we are here to help your business flourish and grow. Appleton Creative is an award-winning, full-service advertising agency located in Orlando, Florida. Appleton works with local, national and international clients to provide marketing strategies through print, web, social media and video production – all in house. At Appleton, we want to learn about your business, empower your marketing team and be your creative resource. Your marketing goals are worth a conversation: contact us at 407-246-0092 or

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