Cell Phone Surfing- Catch the Wave Before Beach Season
When we at Appleton Creative learned that projections show nearly half of all web users will be viewing the web only on their mobile phones by June of 2010, we were intrigued, then sprung to action. So many of our clients needed updated web sites and here was another angle where we could help maintain their brand.
Mobile web surfing must meet users’ needs quickly. Long load times and bulky graphics will often work against your site being viewed on phones. Some sites however, or portions of sites, will always still be viewed on computers. Typical items that ARE viewed on phones are directions, phone numbers, entertainment sites, and usable applications.
Appleton Creative offers many solutions to make your site better than your competition and suitable for phones, too! Check out our site on your phone @ www.appletoncreative.com
Tags: appleton creative, web, brand, mobile web, mobile phones