Calls-to-Action That Work for Your Website

successful call-to-action

Calls-to-action (CTAs) are the copy that incite activity from the consumer. Whether it’s joining a newsletter, purchasing a product or clicking a link, calls-to-action are necessary to encourage audience participation and employ lead generation marketing.

As one of the oldest advertising techniques, CTAs are tried and true, but also in danger of overuse. To remedy this, we know the best ways to get creative with calls-to-action.


Appearance is everything and that includes the look of your call-to-action. Remember that the CTA is intended to make the consumer do something. How do you elicit that excitement? Stimulating and eye-catching design.

Note: Simplicity is key, along with balance and a clear font. Often, the adage “less is more” applies when using calls-to-action.

Color is always a crowd-pleaser, and matching the color of the CTA to your logo is a great way to connect an action with your company. Consumers assess a product within the first 90 seconds of viewing, and 90% of that assessment is based on color. Take advantage of negative space to focus consumer attention on what you want. The Whitepages Premium website is a great example. The CTA is easily seen, not only because of the eye-catching green color, but because the negative space defines the box. Check it out below: 

exclusive content splashscreen


The placement of the call-to-action is important because it affects the success rate. Most readers only get through 60% of an article. If your call-to-action is at the bottom of the page, chances are that it won’t be seen or clicked. Conversely, if it’s placed mid-page, you have a much better chance of engagement. Your call-to-action should be large enough for consumers to see, but not so large that it detracts from the other content. A healthy size ratio along with unique placement is key.


While appearance may be pertinent, substance matters too. The CTA copy is what actually motivates the reader to perform an action through humor, inspiration or cleverness. The copy should reflect your company’s identity.

Check out our copywriting techniques that are sure to drive traffic to your website.

1. Reverse Psychology

People aren’t used to being told not to do something, and it just might intrigue them enough to engage. One study found that reverse psychology performed 39% better when compared to a standard call-to-action. Example:

“Don’t click here.”

2. Reassurance

Consumers are wary of commitment, and the fear of it could cause them to scroll right past your call-to-action. The easiest fix for this is reassuring copy. By offering a way out, consumers don’t feel like they have anything to lose for not liking the product offered. Example:

“Sign up now. Unsubscribe anytime.”

3. Time Limits

Pressure can work to your advantage by implementing time limits. By placing a timer that counts down until the offer ends or the product is gone, consumers feel like they have to click or risk losing the deal. Disney knows that people will rush to buy movies before they’re gone “forever,” even though the vault opens again six months later. Check out Disney’s great time limit call-to-action example:

4. Customization

People appreciate customized experiences. They like being singled out as an individual consumer rather than a nameless lead. Customization also humanizes your company because it shows you’ve taken time to craft different messages tailored to your audiences, instead of mass spamming. For example, if you work for a gym and you’re advertising its services on your website, the call-to-action could read:

“Worked up? Work out here.”

5. Action-Oriented

Verbs promote action, which encourages immediate response. Apple has propelled plenty of consumers to use Macs with its famous slogan. Check out the action-oriented call-to-action:

think different. apple

6. Social Proof

Social proof elements are facts or testimonies that add credibility to the company. When people hear from actual consumers who like the product or service, they believe it. Facts always add bonus authority.

No matter which techniques are used for CTAs, it has to be done in five words or less. This is necessary for three reasons:

  1. They get straight to the point.
  2. There is little room left for consumer confusion.
  3. The actual content won’t be overshadowed.

Contact us to put the action in your calls-to-action. Appleton Creative is an award-winning, full-service video and film production studio located in Orlando, Florida. Appleton works with local, national and international clients to deliver powerful, responsive websites that are specifically designed to be seen first in search engines. Reach your target customers in the right places and establish highly qualified leads with a dynamic and accessible website. Your web design and development goals are worth a conversation: contact us at 407-246-0092 or

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