A Peak Inside UCF College of Medicine at Lake Nona

Come get your medicine! Today, the UCF Town & Gown hosted another successful spring luncheon at UCF College of Medicine in Lake Nona. The event gave members and guests an opportunity to tour the beautiful campus and meet with Dr. Deborah Germen, the first Dean of the UCF College of Medicine.
Dr. Germen spoke to the group about her vision for the college and its recent full accreditation by the Liason Committee on Medical Education. In last five years, the Lake Nona area has bloomed from acres of green pastures to a cutting edge Medical City with top scoring-students. Future growth includes a town center and UCF research hospital. This May, just 50 years after UCF was founded, the College of Medicine will graduate its charter class of 41 – quite an accomplishment for such a young university.
Appleton Creative would like to applaud the 2012-2013 Town & Gown Council Board Members for the execution of a very successful event!
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