27th Annual Girl Scouts of Citrus Women of Distinction Awards

One of Central Florida’s most prestigious awards for women, the Girl Scouts of Citrus’ Women of Distinction Awards, pays tribute to women leaders who serve as role models in the community. Paula Pell, writer and producer, known for her work on Saturday Night Live, hosted the 27th annual gala. As their premier fundraiser, money raised through sponsorships and the silent auction benefits Girl Scout programming throughout Central Florida.
This year, the Gala recognized 70 nominees in five categories from six counties across Central Florida. They were presented to women in five different categories: visionary, leadership, lifetime achievement, community impact and shining star. Nominees and winners of the Women of Distinction Awards are all advocates for improving the lives of women and girls. Congratulations to the winners, listed below, as well as the Girl Scouts of Citrus. Thank you for your commitment to creating opportunities for girls to discover their potential.
The winners of the five prestigious awards are as follows:
Visionary (Courage)
Dr. Barbara Jenkins, Superintendent, Orange County Public Schools
Leadership (Confidence)
Adia Griffin, Mechanical Engineer, Jacobs Technology
Community Impact (Change)
Ellen O’Shaughessey, Retired Professor and Scholarship Chair, American Association of University Women – Daytona Beach
Shining Star (Capable)
Brianna Murray, Student, University of North Florida
Lifetime Achievement (Character)
Roseann Harrington, VP – Marketing, Communication and Community Relations, OUC – The Reliable One
Appleton’s VP of Marketing and Client Relations, Amy Wise, is on the Women of Distinction’s committee. In addition to being a sponsor, Appleton worked to secure a media day for the Mistress of Ceremonies, Pell, to help promote the event.
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