The Verdict Is In: Appleton Named as 2017 Best Place to Work

Our clients and partners already know that Appleton creates outstanding work, but did you know that we’re also one of the best places to work in Orlando? We were recently chosen as finalists in the Orlando Business Journal’s 2017 Best Places to Work. The contest awards those companies that understand the importance of investing in employees by creating an engaging, positive work environment.
Final selections were based on the results of employee surveys of their workplace. Questions included ranking team effectiveness, trust with co-workers, level of value felt and work engagement. Companies from across Central Florida, including Orange, Seminole, Brevard, Osceola, Lake and Volusia counties were encouraged to participate and out of these applicants, Appleton emerged as a finalist for one of the best places to work in Orlando.
As a full-service marketing and advertising agency, we offer services across traditional and digital platforms, but we also bring that passion into the community through philanthropic involvement. From our Appleton Awareness Gallery that features a rotating exhibit of artworks benefiting local causes to our participation as deliverers for Seniors First Meals on Wheels and so much more.
Being a company that places the utmost importance on teamwork, we work hard to provide our employees with exciting team-building activities that strengthen our bonds while providing ways to learn about ourselves. Notable ones include working with Strategizeit to harness our talents and CPR training where we learned how team effort can mean the difference between life and death.
Of course, the Walgreens International Dragon Boat Festival remains our most awaited team-building activity each year. Being such high-octane event, we enjoy funneling our competitive streak into this great cause that supports the Orlando Health Foundation in raising funds for cancer patients across Central Florida.
We also take employee appreciation very seriously. Birthdays mean the recipient’s favorite cake and a jolly, if off-key, rendition of “Happy Birthday.” Work anniversaries are recognized and honored with an Appleton article. And even our projects are celebrated with a special event. We all recently went to the movies to celebrate Dolly Day, which commemorated the acting debut of our senior art director, Dolly Sanborn, in The Orlando Regional REALTORS®️ “Happy Dance” commercial.
In fact, Appleton’s top employee perk is individual recognition. Unlike the lack of acknowledgement that often happens in large corporations, we ensure our team is appreciated for their unique skills in bringing the company success.
As a company celebrating its 30th year in business, we’re pleased to be chosen as one of the best places to work in Orlando by the Orlando Business Journal. And we’re thankful to our employees for their positive sentiments, without which we wouldn’t be recognized for this wonderful honor.
Create outstanding work with the best place to work. Appleton Creative is an award-winning, full-service marketing agency located in Orlando, Florida. Appleton works with local, national and international clients to provide marketing strategies through print, web, social media and video production. At Appleton, we want to learn about your business, empower your marketing team and be your creative resource. Your marketing goals are worth a conversation: contact us at 407-246-0092 or