2011: Here’s to a Year of Great Appleton Projects

2011 is history, but here at Appleton Creative, we look back at the year with a great fondness. It was our first year at our new house (if you haven’t been to 539 Delaney Avenue, what are you waiting for?), it was a year of fun and games, but most all, it was a year of nose-to-the-grindstone work.

Here are a few of our 2011 Faves

Golf Channel – Environmental Branding

Anyone up for a round of golf? When Golf Channel chose Appleton Creative as their agency for environmental branding, we were thrilled. The opportunity allowed us to thread the Golf Channel brand throughout the new space at their Orlando headquarters.

TBS Factoring Service – Unique Client

What does Appleton know about trucking? Quite a bit, actually! TBS proved to be our most unique new client, and we loved testing our blue-collar design grit. They liked our original illustrations so much that it inspired the company to rebrand!

Hilton Grand Vacations – Getaways

Did someone say vacation? Our relationship with Hilton has been very dear to us here at Appleton. The best part? Our web team gets the chance to design functional sites with clean design and great interactive features, such as vacation personality profiles for club members.

Dean Mead – Orlando-based professional service

Order in the court! Appleton is known for being a fun place, but we enjoy putting on our big-kid clothes too. A redesign for Orlando-headquartered Dean Mead had us in a well-polished mindset.

Tavistock – Long-term Partnership

Tiger Woods returned! It’s always a thrill to be involved in the world-famous Tavistock Cup as well as any of our other Tavistock projects – from Isleworth Living Magazine to website designs for Albany Bahamas, Stockworth Realty, Tavistock Group and Isleworth Realty, we welcome any Tavistock challenge.

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